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Rio FAQs

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Rio to help everyone have the best school experience, be you a prospective new family, new to the school, or a seasoned Seahawk.


If you can't find the answer to your question, please email us and we'll get back to you ASAP.

  • What is Rio Minders?
    Rio Minders is the weekly e-newsletter sent to parents from the school principal, Ms Green. It goes out at 5:00pm on Sunday evenings, via text and email. The newsletter contains everything families need to know about what is going on at school. If you are not receiving the newsletter please contact the school office to make sure your contact details are entered onto the mailing list.
  • Where do I find the school calendar?
    The school calendar is posted on the PVUSD website.
  • Who do I tell if my child is off-school sick?
    If your child is sick and will be missing school please contact the school office to inform them of your child's absence. Call (831) 728-7838. You can also email your child's teacher to let them know, but for the absence to be marked as sickness you must contact the office.
  • What is the protocol if my child has an appointment during the day and needs to leave school?
    If you have an appointment, such as a doctors or dentist, during the school day, you should come up to the school office to collect your child. You will need to sign them out and hand a form in to the office. The office will call your child down for you.
  • How do the school buses operate?
    PVUSD bus services are provided to students for FREE, but students need a bus pass to ride the bus. Bus passes applications are available through the district, or once school begins, families can also get their bus pass from the school office. You will find bus route information here.
  • What is Rio's daily schedule?
    Rio's daily schedule is available on the RDM School website under the About Us section. Follow this link for the current schedule.
  • Where does the school get it's funding from?
    Each year Rio gets funding from PVUSD to run the school. The amount of funding depends on the number of students enrolled. (Funding for teachers and staff is separate). We also get funding for some projects from specific grants. For example, our art teacher (two-days) is funded through Prop 28 money. The rest of the funding comes from the RDMPA. In 2023-2024, Rio was given $21,000 from PVUSD. The RDMPA budgeted $131,000 to spend.
  • Can my child get food at school?
    All PVUSD students are offered one FREE breakfast and lunch every school day. No meal applications are needed. If your child wants breakfast or lunch they can visit the cafeteria during their allocated recess/lunch times to collect food. More information is available at
  • How many students attend Rio?
    There are approximately 420 students enrolled at Rio,
  • What is the school's website?
    Rio Del Mar's website is
  • How does drop-off and pick-up work? What are the times?
    Students can be dropped off from 7:15am until 8:50am, when the bell goes. Students will not be supervised before 7:15am. All grades gets out at 2:15pm Monday-Thursday, and at 12:15pm on Fridays. Drop-off Car drop-off - pull carefully into the parking lot using both lanes until the merge point at the curve. Please do not stop on the ramp, as this blocks access for the buses. Students must be dropped off at the yellow curb, and must be able to get out of the car by themselves on the right hand-side of your vehicle. Parking lot - please do not park in any spots marked STAFF, or Auction Winner parking spots. Park drop-off - you can drop your student off in the Rio Del Mar Playground, they will walk up into school by themselves. Bikes - there is one bike parking area in the RDM Playground, and another behind the cafeteria. Park bikes in the direction you enter from. Bikes should not be ridden through the parking lot, or pushed along the sidewalk in front of school. Pick-up Please make sure your child know how they are getting home. If arrangements change during the day, please call the school office and they will get a message to your child. Car pick-up - pull carefully into the parking lot using both lanes until the merge point at the curve. Please do not stop on the ramp, as this blocks access for the buses. Students must be picked up at the yellow curb, and must be able to get into their car by themselves on the right hand-side of your vehicle. If your child needs help buckling up, please consider meeting them in the playground instead. Once you reach the curb area, a teacher will ask you which student(s) you are collecting and will radio up to the quad where the students are waiting. Your student will then walk down to meet you. Park pick-up - you can pick your student up in the Rio Del Mar Playground, they will walk down from school by themselves.
  • What is Life Lab?
    Life Lab operates out of Rio's campus garden. The program cultivates children's love of learning, nutritious food, and nature through garden-based education. Students visit the outdoor classroom as part of their weekly schedules. They may be planting, harvesting, working on the garden infrastructure, or cooking, depending on the time of year!
  • When do Report Cards get sent home?
    Report cards are sent home at the end of each trimester. Parents are asked to sign and return the included envelope, to confirm receipt of the report card.
  • What holidays do classes celebrate throughout the year?
    The classes typically celebrate Halloween, the Holidays, Valentines, and the end of the year. Room parents normally coordinate with teachers to arrange class parties.
  • How do I find out my child's student ID?
    Speak to the office if you have forgotten your child's student ID number.
  • Can I bring in treats for my child's birthday?
    Students are welcome to bring in treats to share with their class on their birthday. Check with your teacher ahead of time to see if there is a best time or date to bring them in. You can also ask if there are any special dietary requirements to consider so that all kids can share in the fun. Students can bring the treats in themselves, or parents can drop them off at the office during the school day. If your student has a summer birthday, talk to your teacher about marking their special day at some point during the end of the school year, so they don't miss out on the fun.
  • Do all students have Chromebooks? Do they come home with students?
    All students are given Chromebooks to work on in class. From 2nd grade, students will bring their Chromebooks home each evening to make sure they are charged for the next day. Teachers may sometimes ask students to complete work on their Chromebooks at home.
  • What enrichment programs does Rio offer?
    Rio students take part in PE, art, music and Life Lab. Students who take part in the After School program have opportunities to take part in extra enrichment programs, such as piano.
  • When are Teacher-Parent Conferences held?
    Teacher-Parent conferences are held during the Fall. Conference week is normally the week before Thanksgiving week, and each day is a minimum day. Conferences are held in the afternoon, once students are released for the day. They are normally held in person, but teachers may also the option of a online conference.
  • Do I need to provide my student with classroom supplies?
    Classroom supplies are provided for all students, so you will not be asked to provide supplies for your child. Teachers getting funding from PVUSD, plus additional money from the Rio Del Mar Parent Alliance, for classroom supplies. In addition, the Parent Alliance makes a monthly delivery to classrooms of essentials items such as Kleenex and wipes.
  • What is Rio Spirit Wear?
    Rio Spirit Wear is Rio-themed merchandise including T-shirts and hoodies. It is available to buy in the RDMPA store.
  • Who is Sally Seahawk?
  • Does Rio have yearbooks?
    Each year Rio produces a yearbook for families to purchase. The yearbook is put together by Mrs. Avey and a team of parent volunteers.
  • What is the RDM Site Council?
    The Site Council is a group of teachers, staff, and parents that works with our principal to plan for the needs of RDM. The objectives of Site Council include: Develop and annually update the School Plan for Student Achievement. Review and evaluate current school programs and budgets. Discuss school culture, parent engagement, and school safety.
  • Who are Yard Duty? Can I become a Yard Duty?
    Rio's Yard Duties supervise our students at recess and lunchtime to ensure safety on campus. Yes! We are always looking for more people to join out yard duty team. Please contact Ms. Green to find out more.
  • What is Seahawk News?
    Seahawk News is the weekly video news produced by Mrs. Avey's 4th graders with updates for all students. Teachers show the video to students on Mondays. It is also included in Rio Minders.
  • What are Golden Hawks?
    Golden Hawks are raffle tickets that all students can win for things like picking up trash, being responsible, respectful and kind. Every two weeks there is a drawing, and two people from each class win. The winners get to visit Ms. Green's office and choose a prize.
  • ... if we are traveling and my child will miss school?
    Contact your teacher and Ms. Green prior to your trip if you will be missing school. They can arrange for work to be sent home to cover what your child will miss during the time.
  • ... about appointments I need to take my child out of class for?
    If you have an appointment, such as a doctors or dentist, during the school day, you should come up to the school office to collect your child. You will need to sign them out and hand a form in to the office. The office will call your child down for you.
  • ... if I have a complaint?
    If you have a complaint please contact Ms. Green in the first instance to discuss your concerns. You will also find district complaint forms on the PVUSD website.
  • ... if my child needs a mental health day?
    If your child will be missing school please contact the school office to inform them of your child's absence. Call (831) 728-7838. You can also email your child's teacher to let them know, but for the absence to be marked as sickness you must contact the office.
  • ... about facility upgrades?
    If you spot something on campus that you think needs an upgrade please contact Ms. Green. Often she can place a work order for the school district to do the work. If it's something that the district can't help with you can also mention it to the RDMPA to see if it is something we can help with.
  • ... if my child is sick?
    If your child is sick and will be missing school please contact the school office to inform them of your child's absence. Call (831) 728-7838. You can also email your child's teacher to let them know, but for the absence to be marked as sickness you must contact the office.
  • What are Spirit Days?
    Spirit Days are organized by the Student Leadership Team to create a sense of community at Rio. On Spirit Days students are encouraged to get involved in that day's theme, which could mean coming to school in costume, PJs, or silly socks! Each Friday is also Rio Spirit day, and students are encouraged to wear Rio T-shirts and sweatshirts, or school colors.
  • What is Open House?
    Open House happens in May, when families are invited to visit campus with their children to visit classrooms and view their work from the year. Burritos and baked items can be purchased at our fundraiser stalls.
  • What are Rio's annual events?
    You can find out about all of Rio's events in our Events section.
  • Does Rio offer field trips?
    Each teacher organizes their own field trips. Sometimes classes from the same grades will participate together. Speak to your teacher about what trips they have planned, and ways that you can help.
  • When does the annual Talent Show take place?
    The Talent Show normally takes place towards the end of the school year. Students can audition to take part in the show.
  • When is Rio's Book Fair?
    Rio's Book Fair normally takes part in the Fall during conference week. The library is turned into a Scholastic book store! Students visit during their library time, and families are invited to stop by to purchase books and gifts. The Book Fair is a popular annual event, and raises funds for our library.
  • How do I sign up to Rio's Google Event Calendar?
    Follow this link to find out how to subscribe to our Google calendar.
  • What is the STEAM Week?
    STEAM Week takes place in May. Rio hosts a variety of STEAM activities and organizations for students to enjoy and explore with their class.
  • Which grades take part in Science Camp?
    All 6th graders are invited to attend a week-long, sleepover Science Camp during the Fall term. The camp is funded by PVUSD. Speak to your 6th grade teacher for more information.
  • How do I register my child for a Grade 1-6 class?
    Please visit the PVUSD website for information on enrollment.
  • Is it possible to do a tour of the school prior to registration?
    Yes! Please contact the school office to arrange a tour of the school. Our principal, Ms. Green, is available to talk with prospective families and answer their questions.
  • Does Rio accept inter/intra-district transfers?
    Please visit the PVUSD website for information on enrollment.
  • Can we visit my child's classroom and meet the teacher before the start of school?
    A few days before the start of the school year, the RDMPA holds a meet-and-great in the blue playground for new families. This is an opportunity to meet with other new families, speak to members of the Parent Alliance and learn more about Rio, and also to briefly visit your child's classroom.
  • What supplies will my child need for school?
    You do not need to provide supplies for your child to use in the classroom. RDMPA provides funds for teachers to purchase these supplies for all students to use.
  • How do I find out what class my child is in?
    Class lists are posted on the Rio website, and in the school office, a few days before the start of the new school year (the date changes annually).
  • How do I register my child for Kindergarten?
    Please visit the PVUSD website for information on enrollment.
  • Does Rio have a TK program?
    Rio does not have a TK program. The closest TK programs are at Mar Vista and Valencia elementary schools. Please visit the PVUSD website for more information on TK.
  • Can I volunteer in my child's classroom?
    There are different opportunities to volunteer in your child's classroom, such as helping with centers, reading with students or taking part in class holiday parties. You can also become a much-valued Room Parent, the official liaison between parents and teachers. Find out more here.
  • What are Room Parents?
    Room Parents are the official liaisons between teachers and families. Visit our Room Parents page to find out more.
  • What forms do I need to complete to volunteer in class?
    Everyone who volunteers on campus must complete the necessary clearance paperwork to do so. Visit the PVUSD website for more information, or speak to the staff in the school office.
  • How can I get involved with the RDM Parent Alliance?
    There are many ways to get involved with the RDMPA. Visit our Volunteer page for more information.
  • What is the Rio After School program?
    The Rio After School program is part funded by PVUSD's Extended Learning department, is run by Rio teachers and staff. Parents must register their children for the program. To run the program for the entire school year, Rio requests parents make a donation of $150 per student, per trimester. The hours are Monday - Thursday, 2:15 - 4:00. During the first half of After School, students are separated by grade levels and spend time completing any homework, or doing activities in classrooms. During the second half, students have a choice of fun activities, such as art, Life Lab, or sports. The After School program offers extra activities which students can sign up to, including piano lessons, rock band, and track and field. Information on these programs are available here.
  • Does Rio put on plays?
    Rio's After School program puts on a play each school year through a local, professional drama company. The opportunity is funded by PVUSD. Details change each year, but it generally happens during the Fall term.
  • What is the After School piano class?
    Piano class is just one of the extra enrichment programs offered through the Rio After School program. You can find out more here.
  • What is the ACE after school program?
    For the 2023-2024, the ACE after school program is running on the Rio campus. The program is free, and is available Monday - Friday, from the end of school until 6pm. Places are limited. If you wish to join the wait list for this program please speak to the school office.

Contact Us

Rio Del Mar Parent Alliance

819 Pinehurst Dr, Aptos, CA 95003

(831) 728-7838


RDMPA Tax ID No. 83-0366207 | Non-profit 501(c)(3)


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© 2023 by Rio Del Mar Parent Alliance, Aptos, California.

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